The power of Simplexity
I love puzzles and complex problems. Most people think that complex problems require complex solutions, but that’s actually not the case.
I studied mathematics and computer science and I have a PhD from ITU Copenhagen and Cambridge University, and I can tell you this: the best solutions to the most hairy problems always have a simplicity and elegance to them that make people go: “Oh, that was obvious, why didn’t I see it before?”
This is what Simplexity is all about. Finding something you always knew was there but just couldn’t see. It’s like finding the missing piece to a puzzle that allows you to see the full picture.
The key to the best solutions are always: to find the right perspective and the right tool or technique.
I realised that the principles and techniques I learned from abstract mathematics were applicable to problems in all areas of life. Anything that requires thinking.
And the good news is: The principles are simple, and you don’t need a degree in mathematics to learn them. They are universal.
What People Are Saying about The Simplexity Method
“Bodil created an organised, structured way to help me discover myself. This method was life changing.”
— Marianna Fleck, Shiatsu practitioner
“The Simplexity method is deceivingly simple and light. It feels very manageable. It opens up solutions, and gives a new path of options. It got me to the core issue and a non-obvious solution without feeling heavy.”
— Kate Zargorskis, Coach
“I quickly became a fan of the Simplexity method for many reasons. It consists of great questions, it helped me narrow down my challenge, evaluate what supports me and prevents me from solving it, and allowed me to come up with actual strategies to proceed with. It's a full-circle method, meaning that at the end you return to the starting point but you're already equipped with everything you need to solve the problem. Plus it's fun and you get to learn about yourself.”
— Beáta Dobsa, Founder & CEO, Tripful