Reinvent your relationship with work through coaching

Leadership is not a title, it's an attitude and a choice. Everybody can choose to be a leader of their own life. Are you ready for this? Then I have something for you.




When you are having fun doing your work, you bring so much more energy and focus. It’s not so much the hours you put in, it’s the quality of those hours. Cultivating awareness and focus and knowing what lights you up, is what will get you better results and boost your impact and happiness


Would you like to unlock your highest potential?

With 1:1 coaching you can expect to see radical improvements in areas such as:

  • Vision, Purpose & Direction

  • Productivity & Well-being

  • Relationships & Collaboration

  • Emotional intelligence & Influence

Follow The Coaching Process with Bodil Biering

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“We spend 90.000 hours at work during our lifetime. Make it worthwhile!”

— Bodil Biering



“It was a genuine pleasure and profound experience working with Bodil, and I am extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to be coached by such a skillful, attentive and kind individual.

This was my first experience of coaching and I did not know what to expect, but from the moment we started I knew I was in the safest hands. Bodil has a very warm, open, and non-judgemental nature which enabled me to open up and share without hesitation.

She listens with patience, empathy, and acute perceptiveness, picking up on the nuances which I think many others would miss, and in return offers deep, meaningful, and thought-provoking questions and insights that brought about fundamental change.

I came to Bodil at a crossroads in my life, unclear on the path to take next, and through our work together, Bodil has given me deep clarity and a collection of life-long lessons which I will carry with me for a long time to come.

I highly recommend Bodil to anyone who is looking to bring about transformative change and unlock your best self”.

- Ishani Parekh, Director of Education at Revolution Hive, UK


“I've worked with Bodil during an interesting time in my life. I had to decide if I wanted to go ahead with an investor in my business or would fly solo. Bodil supported me along this way and I expanded my business in an even better way than I expected.

Thanks for your guidance, Bodil. I love how you combine heart & mind.”

— Merel van der Wouden (LL.M), Negotiation Coach, Founder at Blackbird Negotiations, Amsterdam

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“I had a wonderful experience with Bodil's coaching!

She helped me realize and work through a block I didn't even know I had. After only one session I felt more clear and empowered as well as had some tools to implement right away! Her calm and nurturing energy is incredibly powerful.”

— Tricia Camacho, Founder at Creative Costume Academy, US


I wanted to clarify my purpose, what is the unique thing that I can give to the world.

Bodil was asking me questions that went deeper and deeper to gain clarity. First my thoughts were flying around, but she grounded me, and with the questions and the space she created I could actually gather all these components, that I have been researching over the years. By the end of the session, I gained fantastic clarity. After the session, she sent me an email where all my statements were written down and also some material so I can go deeper. It was really a breakthrough and shift for me. I was never able to summarise all these components, it just came together.

- Marianna Fleck, Shiatsu practitioner, London


Before we started I was super confused about what I wanted and what I allowed myself to want. I was ruled by fear. With Bodil’s help I now feel complete, balanced, and grounded. Feels like something I have been working on forever and now I finally got it. Bodil is absolutely amazing at asking questions that just opens up to this new way of thinking. The best part of the program was that we created it together, that it was more a conversation than a strict program. That makes it 100% customizable so that you really get the most out of your coaching experience.

— Kristina Ingvarsson, Economist, Sweden

We could not have done it without Bodil. She does really well coming into an organisation; humanly engaging with people, creating empathy and they liked having her around.

We managed to not complicate the project, it felt straight forward.

— CPO Cybersecurity Project

I was going through a difficult time in my life, I was not happy and my emotions were all over the place. And this affected not just me, but my family too. With Bodil’s help, I learned to connect to within, I feel more grounded and self-aware of my own needs.

What I like most about this program is the personalised exercises and practices she creates just for you, I found them very helpful. I would definitely recommend Bodil’s coaching program, she is an amazing person and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Bodil. She has helped me find myself again, and today I can truly say: I am happy.

— Amani Bahman, Entrepreneur, Kuwait

What kind of service suits you best?


Coaching - for leaders in organisations

Are you a leader who is ready to see the highest potential for you and your organisation or are you looking to future proof your leadership team?

Reinvent your organisation.


Private 1:1 Coaching

Would you like to go from great to extraordinary, get your head above the clouds, and see what the next level looks like for you?

Get a personal roadmap to the new you.


+ What is coaching?

ICF defines coaching as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

+ What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching focuses on visioning, success, the present, and moving into the future. Therapy emphasizes personal healing of trauma, and the past in order to understand the present. Coaching tends to work with well-functioning individuals whereas therapy work tends to be for individuals with some level of dysfunction or disorder. As an analogy, a coach is like an athletic trainer while a therapist is like a medical doctor specializing in sports medicine

+ What is the difference between coaching and mentoring?

Mentoring may include advising, counseling and coaching. The coaching process does not include advising or counseling, and focuses instead on individuals or groups setting reaching their own objectives. Another way to put it is: A mentor is someone who has all the answers, a coach is someone who has all the questions :-)

+ Is it really possible to change a person?

We can’t change another person, but a person can decide to change themselves. This often happens in moments of breakthrough insights, and the ripple effects that follow such a pivotal moment.

+ How do we meet?

Meetings are online using zoom, if it is practical and possible I do offer to meet in person for coaching sessions.

+ Will you be setting goals for me?

No, coaching is a co-creative process. That means, we create the program and goals for the program together, and my role is to facilitate the process and keep track of where we are and where we are going during the conversations and program.

+ How long are the sessions?

Sessions are 60-90 minutes.

+ How many sessions do I need to get results?

You can have a breakthrough insight in just one session with me. However, to get lasting change in your life, you most likely need to overcome some fears, change your thought patterns, and build new skills and habits.

+ Will there be homework between the sessions?

Yes, just like going to the gym to develop new muscles, you need to practice to develop new skills. We will create fun, tailormade exercises for you, that are customised and scaled to your needs. And we will make sure they fit into your everyday life. Expect to spend 15-20 minuntes per day between sessions.