Simplexity - learn to love your problems
People often think that complex problems require complex solutions, but that’s actually not the case. Here’s how to start loving your problems.
The best solutions to the most hairy problems always have simplicity and elegance
I studied mathematics and I have a PhD from ITU Copenhagen and Cambridge University, and I can tell you this: the best solutions to the most hairy problems always have a simplicity and elegance to them that make people go: “Oh, that was obvious, why didn’t I see it before?”
This is what Simplexity is all about. Finding something you always knew was there but just couldn’t see. It’s like finding the missing piece to a puzzle that allows you to see the full picture.
The key to the best solutions
The key to these best solutions is always: finding the right perspective and the right tool or technique.
I realised that the principles and techniques I learned from abstract mathematics were applicable to problems in all areas of life. Anything that requires thinking. And the good news is: The principles are simple, and you don’t need a degree in mathematics to learn them.
What is a complex problem?
A complex problem is a problem that doesn’t have an obvious solution. You can’t just call an expert to give you a solution to a complex problem. We all meet complex problems in our lives. For example, finding the right job is usually a complex problem because there are many moving parts and aspects to consider and you are not completely in control of who wants to hire you.
Starting a new business is another good example of a complex problem. Can you find a product-market fit and a sustainable business model? Can you get the right people on your team etc.? It’s novel and there are many unknowns. No expert will have the definite answer.
On the other hand, a tax issue may be difficult, but it’s not a complex problem. An accountant would know the solution.
Complex problems have a lot of unknowns and uncertainty and are unique
Complex problems have a lot of unknowns and uncertainty. Complex problems are novel and unique and for many people cause anxiety or analysis paralysis.
The answer is already inside you
The truth is, that the answer is inside you (or your team). And this simple yet powerful tool will help you see clearly what was there all along. You are closer to the solution than you might think.
4 principles for Simplexity
Keep an eye on the big picture
This principle allows you to keep coming back to the main goal. It prevents you from being lost in the details of the complexity of the problem. It allows for discovering easier routes to a solution.
Challenge the assumptions
Your ideas of what is possible are often very limited.
This principle allows you to open up your mind to new possibilities, challenge your biases and shake the foundation of what you think is true. This principle allows you to test the truthfulness of your assumptions and lay down new foundations.
Leverage your resources
Your biggest resources (skills, characteristics, connections, assets) are often the things that come so natural to you that you forget how unique and valuable they are. The best solution to your problem will leverage some of your key resources.
Turn obstacles into stepping stones
Where you have the most resistance is where you will find the simple solution. Are you spending lots of time thinking about how to get around some obstacle to your goal? Then you are not alone.
Obstacles actually show the way. You can turn them into stepping stones either by seeing them as resources or by addressing the resistance or fear.
How to do all this in 7 simple steps
have created a 7-step Simplexity method to show you exactly how to find the best solution to your problem following the 4 principles above. I promise it’s easy. Download the free ebook to learn the Simplexity method.